
Hidden Punch Card Messages

Did You know the punch cards you get in gnomeregan all have hidden binary messages on them which can be translated easily from screenshots with an online translator. I have them all here.

White Punch Card:
Thrall and Jaina sitting in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G

Yellow Punch Card:
If you can read this, you're standing too close

Blue Punch Card:
The gnome king wears night elf underwear

Red Punch Card:
Help! I'm trapped in a binary punch card factory!

Prismatic Punch Card:
Message to Castpipe: your laundry's ready for pickup.

Questing In DuskWood

Most Quests in Duskwood are at the RavenHill Cemetary.

Did You know that its faster to run to Sentinell Hill then fly to Darkshire then it is to RIDE directly from Raven Hill to Darkshire.
And you don't have to stay on the road while flying, So you can grab that soda you wanted.

Think about that next time you quest in Duskwood.

Devilsaur Hunting

Alot of People like to hunt Devilsaurs for Devilsaur Leather

So here is the Routes of the Devilsaurs in Un'goro.

I hear you can get 30-40g for a stack and knowing the paths 1 stack per 1-2 hours.

Happy hunting

Linen Cloth Farming

This is a great place to farm for linen cloth.
Because it populated by 6-7 Defias mobs, levels 12-13.
that drop alot of linen cloth and respawn instantly.

with lvl 60 priest you can stand in the middle and drop Shadow Word: Pain on a lower rank on all that spawns and watch them die. You'll average a stack per 5 min.

Happy Farming

Early 10 Slots Bags

While Lvl'ing in Westfall (if I'm on my first char on a new server) I like to run alittle extra to look at these three places.
cuz at these places there is a chans that Foe Reaper 4000 might have Spawn, this Level 17 to 20 (Rare) Mechanical is quite easy, spawns every 4-6 hours and has a 70% chans to drop Large Rucksack a 10 Slot bag.

Happy Hunting